SAP Plug-In SCR Check

The terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 extended trade bans and restrictions to include personal embargoes. Since then, companies have been required by law to carry out a sanctioning list check at every business contact.

This obligation exists regardless of the country in which the business contact is located – intra-German businesses are also affected, employees, suppliers and service providers have to be checked.

In Europe, the sanctions lists, often referred to as ‘anti-terrorist lists’, are published by EU regulation and updated at irregular intervals. In the United States, anti-terrorist lists vary widely and are also used outside the United States. Non-U.S. companies and individuals can also violate U.S. export control laws.

Your benefits

  • Automatic sanction list check
  • Facilitating legal action
  • Real-time testing
  • Automated immediate action on hits on request
  • Fully integrated and configurable in SAP

Sanction list verification adapted to your requirements

Without software that automatically checks these lists, it is difficult, not to say, impossible to always act in accordance with the law and responsibly.

That’s why we offer this software in the form of a plug-in for SAP for sanctioned list checking. This allows you to perform the check in the familiar system environment.

Sanctions Lists Monitor in the SAP System
Sanction list check directly in SAP

Easy verification of sanction lists via plug-in

Check your business contacts stored in SAP with the click of a mouse! The entire process is automated and the result is displayed directly in SAP.

Modularly designed for your processes

You can assemble your solution from three module sets:

Batch check

Address data is extracted from SAP and checked by Advantage Compliance, the test result is returned to the SAP system.

Synchronous testing

Depending on the individual design, addresses can be checked in the process process via a web service. The result is immediately reported back to the SAP system.

Delta testing

If the Sanction Lists are changed, Advantage Compliance proactively checks all addresses that have already been checked and reports any hits that may occur by e-mail and/or as a result file.

Individual configuration

Which actions are triggered depending on the test result can be configured according to customer requirements. Reactions range from simple logging to sending e-mails or starting a workflow to blocking affected objects (master records, documents) in the SAP system.


All tests and their results are recorded. These can be evaluated at any time via the monitor. Affected objects can be edited according to permission. The monitor provides the ability to generate archiveable lists for documentation.


  • Extract addresses from SAP
  • File transfer and feedback via batch processing
  • Batch checks
  • Synchronous checks
  • Delta checks
  • Monitoring and documentation
  • Action modules
  • Trigger modules

Mehr SAP Plug-Ins von dbh

Mit unseren Plug-Ins für SAP machen Sie ihr System fit für den Außenhandel und setzen gleichzeitig auf die lange Erfahrung von dbh in Sachen Zoll & Außenhandel, Compliance, Hafenwirtschaft, Logistik und Versand. Erfahren Sie, welche Plug-Ins wir noch bieten.

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