It was the first major event in 2014. The start of the trade fair was eagerly awaited, as they had been preparing for it for months – including dbh Logistics IT AG (dbh).
Under the trade fair motto “Intelligent networking – mastering complexity”, visitors at the dbh stand were expecting interesting discussions on exciting topics. Overall, the Bremen-based company recorded an increase in visitors to its exhibition space of 17.6% compared to 2013 – LogiMAT in general had an increase in trade visitors of 11.3% compared to the previous year.
The high proportion of interested parties and first contacts can be seen particularly positively in this context, which together accounted for 55% of the total number of visitors. It shows the new awareness of trade visitors to deal with issues such as compliance and risk management and to want to solve them efficiently.

With its broad portfolio, dbh was able to cover a wide range of topics. So there was something for every stand visitor. In particular, guests were interested in export control and tariffs; Supplier declarations, product origin and preferences as well as transport and ramp management. But the diverse area of customs clearance and solutions around SAP were also very well received.
“All in all, it was a successful start to the 2014 event year for dbh,” sums up Marc Hasenbein, Head of Sales and Marketing at dbh Logistics IT AG. “The positive feedback from trade visitors and co-exhibitors gives a promising outlook on LogiMAT 2015. We are already looking forward to being part of this international trade fair again from 10 to 12 February 2015.”
Those who unfortunately did not make it to the dbh booth are welcome to get an insight into the portfolio on our website. Sales are also available in person by phone: 0421/30902-700 or e-mail: for enquiries.