The most important ATLAS-driven development can be found in the successful certification for ATLAS 8.7 and the new ASUMA incoming messages available E_EXS_CTL and E_EXS_STA. The user of the ASUMA is now supplied with status messages at the output and control messages.

An important development beyond ATLAS concerns the scaling of the representation of Advantage Customsnow available with AC014. The background to this innovation is the modern high-resolution screens. The high pixel density often resulted in a very small representation of the application. Large portions of the available screen were not used. Now the user can activate the scaling in the menus of the “Personal Settings” and choose whether to increase the display to 120, 150 or more percent of the default size.
Automation with the EZT-Assistenen
Also not long in the product is the EZT assistant for import. As has been the case for some time in exports, valuable EZT-based information – in particular on required documents – can also be provided in imports. Automatically generating documents using Advantage Customs’Custom Actionsis also linked to the EZT Wizard. For example, with a few settings, the need for reporting the y922 (none or other skins other than cat and dog fur) can be automatically detected and this underlay can also be generated automatically.