After the 12. and On 13 March, Parliament voted by a large majority to postpone Brexit, with or without an exit agreement in the British Parliament. Now Mrs May must campaign for a postponement in the EU, because Britain alone cannot decide that the date will be...
Customs & Foreign Trade
Transitional period until the operational use of electronic systems
Information from Brussels on the proposed amendment to Article 278 UCC Due to various difficulties (resources, timetables, budget, etc.) in the implementation of all prescribed electronic systems or extensions of existing solutions, the Commission has recognised that...
Information from Brussels: Reduction or exemption from security
We have already reported on several occasions the forthcoming amendment to Article 84 of the DelVO. The background to this is that the current legal text provides that the economic operator may demonstrate the existence of sufficient financial resources to settle the...
EU consultation on the EU Single Window Environment for Customs
Survey on customs value law: introduction of mandatory customs value information
The European Commission is holding an exploratory consultation on the introduction of mandatory customs value information until 1 June 2018. The survey is aimed at companies (particularly business operators and importers), business associations, public authorities,...
LogiMAT 2018: System integration as an opportunity for small and medium-sized enterprises
Under the motto "Digital - Connected - Innovative", LogiMAT 2018 will open its doors again from 13-15 March. Dbh in Hall 8 shows that networking is a prerequisite for time savings, efficiency and safety and the opportunities that arise from it. Whether customs...
Important atlas leaflets
It should be noted that various fact sheets have been revised and published. The following leaflets should currently receive special attention and can be found here: General:Leaflet on customs declarations, summary declarations and re-export...
dbh Documents Cloud for Customs Declarations
In order to make a precise assessment of the relevant customs declaration, it may be essential that the data can be verified by presenting the relevant documents. Customs shall regularly request these necessary documents electronically as part of its decision to...
REX – Examination of the reference numbers issued
Since 1 January 2017, the first of the planned IT systems from the UCCwork programme has been implemented and in real operation. Roughly explained, this is an electronic option for certain third countries of the Generalised System of Preferences (GSP) to be able to...
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