Preferential agreements between the European Union and a large number of third countries provide substantial tariff concessions. As an exporting company, you can enable your customers in the receiving country to enjoy favourable import conditions – but also have a lot of effort.

Origin & Preferences Offer Customs Benefits

In order to benefit from the benefits, you must prove the origin of the goods for each manufactured item. Not an easy task given the size and number of agreements and the fact that you need valid supplier declarations for as many items as possible.

Manage goods origin in SAP

SAP Plug-In mit Monitor für Lieferantenerklärungen
SAP plug-in with monitor for supplier declarations

dbh Logistics IT AG offers you the Product Origin & Preferences (WUP) plug-in as a software extension for your SAP system. The WUP plug-in allows you to create and monitor incoming and outgoing supplier declarations as well as transfer data to Advantage Compliance Präferenzmanagement for preference calculation.

Advantage Compliance Präferenzmanagement is the dbh software for managing supplier declarations and calculating preferences. Status messages are displayed in your SAP ERP.

Preference calculation in SAP with the dbh plug-in WUP

In order to determine the origin of a product, one thing is needed above all: data. These are sufficiently available in your SAP system. To continue now, the SAP plug-in has the following functions in the Preference Calculation section:

  • Data transfer, especially BOMs from SAP to Advantage Compliance Präferenzmanagement
  • Calculation of preferences in Advantage Compliance Präferenzmanagement
  • Presentation of activated preference calculations with costing results including threshold/agreement and proof of results
  • Provision of costing results for transfer to defined SAP objects

Supplier Declarations in SAP

Anyone who wants to calculate preferences is legally obliged to provide complete proof of the origin of preference in the form of supplier declarations. To ensure this, the SAP plug-in is equipped with the following functions in the Supplier Declarations section:

  • Data transfer based on purchasing info records and/or orders
  • Creation and automatic dispatch of supplier declarations (long-term or individual supplier declarations) from Advantage Compliance Präferenzmanagement as well as management of returnees
  • Display of activated supplier declarations with preference statements in the plug-in monitor with status information (e.g. revocation, reminder level, etc.)
  • Provision of preference statements for transfer to SAP objects (e.g. material master)

Mehr SAP Plug-Ins von dbh

Mit unseren Plug-Ins für SAP machen Sie ihr System fit für den Außenhandel und setzen gleichzeitig auf die lange Erfahrung von dbh in Sachen Zoll & Außenhandel, Compliance, Hafenwirtschaft, Logistik und Versand. Erfahren Sie, welche Plug-Ins wir noch bieten.

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